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Global Vipassana Pagoda

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Contact Information
Select Yes if you are an old student in this tradition
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Leave this field blank if you do not have an email address
Vipassana InformationPlease give details of your first 10-day course:
Enter as yyyy/mm, for example 2009/12. If you do not know, please estimate.
If you do not remember, please write 'unknown'
If you do not remember, please write 'unknown'
Details of your most recent full-time course completed as a student:
Enter as yyyy/mm, for example 2009/12. If you do not know, please estimate.
If you do not remember, please write 'unknown'
If you do not remember, please write 'unknown'
Include 10 day courses only. Satipatthana, TSC should be listed with other courses sat.
Include 10 day courses only. Satipatthana, TSC should be listed with other courses served.
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Miscellaneous Information
Enter NA if not applicable
Enter NA if not applicable
Enter NA if not applicable
Practice Information
1 + 2 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.

By submitting this application, I hereby acknowledge that I have carefully read and understood the Code of Conduct for Dhamma Servers for the Global Vipassana Foundation for which I am applying to serve and I have completed at least one 10-Day Vipassana meditation course as taught by S.N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin.

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.